New ACODE Forum & Website

Dear Members,

We are excited to announce the launch of ACODE’s new website and forum platform! This update changes and improves the website layout to be much easier to navigate, as well as rebuilds the forum from the ground up to meet the modern needs of our professional community.

You can access the website here:
You can access the forum here:

Note that the forum content is only accessible to logged-in users.

As part of the migration, we have moved all accounts and content over to the new forum. If you received this update in your email, you have an account. You will need to reset your password to log in.

Reset password (use the email this was sent to): ACODE Member Forum

Finally, with the new website, please note that all links and bookmarks to pages will need to be updated.

If you have any suggestions or feedback for the site, you can share that in the Site Feedback category.

Enjoy and see you online!
The ACODE Executive team.